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Speaking Engagements

February 15, 2022: "Traveling Intentionally: Learning Black History on the Road"
The Nomadic Network

In this workshop, I shared my tidbits on: 

  • How traveling with a Black frame of mind has enhanced my trips domestically & abroad.

  • Strategies for how to intentionally plan trips & travels in a way that supports Black-owned hotels, businesses, restaurants, excursions, and tours.

  • How to seek out experiences that feature the history of Black people in the area.

  • My favorite Black-owned travel businesses worth using!

  • How to be an ally for Black people when traveling

February 15, 2022: "Traveling Intentionally: Learning Black History on the Road"
The Nomadic Network

June 25, 2020: "Solutions and Hope - Milken Educators & Their Students as Upstanders"

Milken Family Foundation


The discussion focused on what educators can do in the school environment to advance and embed lasting lessons about racial respect, empathy, equity, trust.  How do we change attitudes and behaviors for young people and in turn, adults?  This featured 5 Milken Educators: Gina Benz (SD ’15), Stephanie Bishop (VA ’01), Princess Francois (NY ’19), Desi Nesmith (CT ’14), Rachel Willis (GA ’10), followed by an open discussion to ask questions of the speakers, the group, and especially to share Solutions and Hope from across our national network.

Race & EquityMilken Educators
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June 6, 2020: "Bridging the Gap"

Latino World Travelers

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I had the opportunity to be 1 of 14 incredible visionaries invited to participate in a dialogue hosted by Latino World Travelers on how Latinos & Black Americans can support each other. With different perspectives, it was an amazing space to listen, discuss, learn and grow from each other so we can ally together to end systematic racism, oppression and injustice in our community -- especially considering our intertwined histories!

November 2, 2017 "Pathways in Educational Leadership"

Teach for America, New York


Pathways in Educational Leadership connects Teach for America alumni in New York with educational leadership programs that provide School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) certification as well as practical training for aspiring school leaders. I was one of 5 Teach for America alumni school leaders sharing their inspiring personal stories to inspire future alumni leaders. This event aimed to provide stories and programming that reflect the diversity of leadership and opportunities here in New York and that open up a world of possibilities for aspiring leaders.

November 3, 2016 "Pathways in Educational Leadership"

Teach for America, New York and

New York City Department of Education - Office of Leadership 

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Pathways in Educational Leadership connects Teach for America alumni in New York with educational leadership programs that provide School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) certification as well as practical training for aspiring school leaders. I was one of 5 Teach for America alumni school leaders sharing their inspiring personal stories to inspire future alumni leaders. This event aimed to provide stories and programming that reflect the diversity of leadership and opportunities here in New York and that open up a world of possibilities for aspiring leaders.

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